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CLA - The Invocation of Article 61 Magna Carta 1215 in 2001 with related corresepondence


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Read up on The Correspondence involved in the Invocation of Article 61 Magna Carta 1215 in 2001.

Please see attached PDF with the "Petition To Defend British Rights & Freedoms" served at Buckingham Palace in 2001 under clause 61 Magna Carta 1215 with related correspondence.

Michael Dent
David Naylor
Dec 10, 2022

Exactly ❤️


Hi all and a big thank you for inviting me to this forum.

Love to learn more about common Law and stand with the Barons under Article 61 of the Magna Carta.

Where do I start 🤔

Danielle Delioness

Hi, Welcome on board 👋 See the templates section for the step by step guide and find oath sets if you like in the shop.

Mel Diamond
For our pricing plan website subscribers. You are our bread and butter. Thank you.V.I.P AccessAllAreas

Hi all, new member here 🙂. Thanks for having me. I have my oath pack, but I'm rubbish at this - is there anyone off the list of barons I should send it to? Or just any of them? I want to get to grips with it all but find it confusing. TIA.

Danielle Delioness
Nov 13, 2023

I recived my oath, me to confushed, could do with help, of instructions to fill, please help 🙏


A new edition of our conditional acceptance process is now available for your discernment.

Paul Finch
Paul Finch
May 11, 2023

Can't thank you enough for this. I'll be using this updated version next week.


The Fudamental Principles Of Common Law

This app is turning out to be such a nightmare. It's the correct link. So now it looks like I can't use it to link back to patreon either, which is so inconvenient. I'll have to get onto their customer services.


The Magna Carta of 1215 was invoked in 2001, and we stand under oath to the barons committee who invoked the law. As citizens of the realm, it is our duty to stand in defence of the rights of the people from treason and any other form of abuse. We must rise up against the crown and defend the children from any form of oppression. We must remember that the Magna Carta was created to protect our unalienable rights, and that we are obligated to fight in its defence.

We must remember that this is our responsibility and that we can no longer be complacent. We must take collective action to assure that the rights and freedoms of the people are not taken away from us. It is our duty to stand up against any form of tyranny. We must remember that the Magna Carta was invoked to protect our…

Dec 26, 2022

I my house this stands


Are we at the GATES OF FREEDOM?

Will people realise what the law is?

Watch a little more info on Article 61 Magna Carta 1215 being invoked here at Kenilworth Castle..


Hi, everyone. I know the groups send out emails. I've tried to turn them off at my end but I think it's a personal thing and that each member has to change their own settings.

If you don't want an email every time a post is made...

Please see the cog in the top right hand of the screen. Open the settings at there should be "email notifications" which you have to switch on or off.

I hope this helps!

Thank you!

Julia Dream
Julia Dream
Dec 16, 2022

I did mine last night. And, small confession... I was yesterday years old when I worked out where the groups all hide when I'm looking for them. They're in the groups button. Who knew!? 😅🙈 Happy Friday, everybods!


An article on sovereignty

Fundamental principles of Common Law:

Transferring allegiance (the Oath)

what does it mean?

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